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President’s Message



On behalf of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. Inc. Epsilon Upsilon Omega Chapter, I would like to welcome you to our website. Epsilon Upsilon Omega Chapter is a part of the Notable North Atlantic Region, serving the greater Trenton/Mercer County area of New Jersey. 


Chartered in 1952 by 18 extraordinary women who exemplified the epitome of sisterhood, we are the second oldest Chapter in New Jersey and rich in history and culture.


Since 1908, the sisters of Alpha Kappa Alpha have been providing service on the local, national and international levels in order to expand opportunities for young women, and be of service to mankind through a number of programs, events, initiatives, and engagements with our communities. Alpha Kappa Alpha’s current Corporate Program theme, “Soaring to Greater Heights of Service and Sisterhood” will be the main focus of our chapter’s efforts from 2022 to 2026, serving our communities in the following areas of service

  • Strengthen Our Sisterhood
  • Empower Our Families
  • Build Our Economic Wealth
  • Enhance Our Environment
  • Advocate for Social Justice
  • Uplift Our Local Community

As you browse through our website and learn about our chapter history, leadership, programs, partnerships and local events, we invite you to join us in engaging in the work we do for the children, families and the community at large.


If you are a visiting member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., or simply new to the Mercer County areas, you are welcome to join us at our chapter meetings any third Friday of each month. You can find all the information on required documents and meeting attire on our Membership page.


If you are a visiting member of the public, and interested in supporting or engaging with us as we bring great programming to the Greater Trenton area, please join our community mailing list so that you can be looped in to the many community events we hold through the year.


We look forward to welcoming you in person, and sharing in our mission to be of “Service to All Mankind”.



Adrienne King, President

Current Officers [2023 - 2024]

President - Adrienne King
First Vice-President - Tonya Stewart
Second Vice-President - Helen Walker

Graduate Advisor - Lauren Washington
Recording Secretary - Alicia Malone
Assistant Recording Secretary - Erin Griffiths
Corresponding Secretary - Ella Payton
Treasurer - Jasna Ingram
Financial Secretary - Loretta Clark
Assistant Financial Secretary - Kelli Griffin
Publicist - Michelle Peal
Archivist - Desiree McRay-Clark
Historian - Keoke Wooten Johnson
Parliamentarian - Rukiya Blackwell
Chaplain - Chastity Manning

Committee chairs


AKA Connections - Tennille McCoy
Awards – Jametta Clarke
Basilei Council - Sherri Eure Washington
Book Club - LaVosha Payne Prescott
Budget & Finance - Jasna Ingram
Bylaws - Rukiya Blackwell
Courtesy - Chastity Manning
Educational Advancement Foundation - Carolyn Wade & Andria Wade
Invigorating Pearls - Lucinda Conteh
Ivy Bearers - Stacey Pressley
Ivy Leaf/Miss Pearl - Michelle Peal
Ivy League/Tea Roses - Dionne Hallback
Membership - Helen Walker
Pan Hellenic Council - Sherri Eure-Washington
Pearl Ensemble - Jametta Clarke
Pearl Institute - Jan Marbrey
Program -Tonya Stewart
Protocol - Ameerah Flowers
Rituals - Linda Neal
Sentinel - Rhonda Wood
Sisterly Relations - Geraldine Eure
Standards - Alexis Malone
Technology - Eileen Bright
Youth Leadership Institute (YLI) - Helen Walker

Past Chapter Presidents

 - Deceased / Ivy Beyond the Wall
Current Member
Daisy A. Morgan (1952-1954) 
Thelma Goode (1955-1956) 
Helene McRae (1957-1958 ) 
Lottie Lee Dinkins (1959-1960) 
Chrystine Shack (1961-1962) 
Susie B. Waxwood (1963-1964) 
Elizabeth Bates (1965-1966) 
Edith W. Boone (1967-1968) 
Gloria Gibson (1969-1970) 
Marie Akins (1971-1972) 
Annie Stephens (1973-1976) 
Elizabeth Bates (1977-1978) 
Betty V. Coles (1979-1980) 
Barbara Anderson (1981-1982)
Renee Herron McKithen (1983-1984) 
Joyce Brown (1985-1986)
Daisy A. Morgan (1987-1988) 
Angela Carter (1989-1990) 
Brenda Koonce (1991-1994)
Geraldine R. Eure (1995-1998)
Beatrice Jones (1999-2000)  
Shirley Tyler (2001-2004)
Riva Thomas (2005-2008)
Geraldine R. Eure (2009-2012)
Sherri Eure-Washington (2013-2016)
Alicia Malone (2017-2020)
Adrienne King (2021- Present)

Chapter History

 Interact with our timeline to the right to learn more about Epsilon Upsilon Omega Chapter's achievements and milestones through the years.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated

Epsilon Upsilon Omega Chapter

P.O. Box 1324, Trenton NJ 08607

Membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated should not be solicited at any time.


Graduate membership is by invitation only.


For more information, please visit our national website for details. If you are interested in learning more about how to support our initiatives, please view our chapter programs and events.

Alpha Kappa Alpha Corporate Website

North Atlantic Region Website